Teaching | Theatre Education

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When I was a child my mother would tell me I was a teacher, and so it came to pass. I went to Hamilton Teachers Training College in 1972 but was restless, did not complete the training, went to Christchurch and in 1974 got my first theatre job. Teaching however was never far away, I enjoyed the leadership role and was challenged by how to do it well. Community based workshops on Marae, in youth detention facilities, schools and universities remained intermittent and in 2002 I took on a full-time teaching position at University of Waikato Theatre Studies Department. This in turn lead to Unitec in 2010 where I held the chair of Curriculum Leader: Acting for Stage and Screen Undergraduate Degree for nine years. I received awards for my contribution including an Ako Aotearoa Sustained Teaching Excellence Award in 2014 and gained membership into the UK based Higher Education Authority in 2016. These awards were granted upon submission of a portfolio and references.

Ako Aotearoa 2014

The ultimate achievement regarding this aspect of my career is measured by my nine years as Curriculum Leader at Unitec. (2010-2019). My primary concern was the students, particularly those who struggled to work within the system.

My response to the challenge of inter-cultural teaching and performance.

Upon my resignation from full time tertiary management/teaching I prepared two valedictory speeches, one for the departmental end of year send-off, the other an occasion at Te Noho kotahitanga, the Unitec Marae.


Marae Farewell

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